Northcliffe Village Residents Association Charter
Promoting Neighbourliness and Community Spirit...Together We Can Make a Difference
Our Charter
The Association shall be called the Northcliffe Village Residents Association (NVRA)
Membership of the Association shall be available to anyone eighteen years and over who is a resident of our area.
The Association is non-political
Residents wishing to be a member of the Association shall register their name, address and contact details with the board who will maintain the list of members.
· To act as a focal point for residents to raise issues and concerns relating to the NVRA.
· To provide a clear channel of communication regarding these matters to and from relevant bodies.
· To ensure the broader community is a good place to live – promoting neighbourliness and community spirit and to become firmly established within the broader village community.
The Association shall engage in matters where an issue is determined to have a clear impact on the whole community or significant proportion thereof. The Association shall not normally become involved in planning applications or other disputed issues of an individual nature unless it is determined that such an issue shall may have a wider impact on the community.
The affairs of the Association shall be managed by the Board.
Board Members will be appointed annually by the members attending the Annual General Meeting. Members of the outgoing Board are eligible for re-election. The positions of Chair and Treasurer will be designated by the Board.
The Board shall have the power to recruit individuals to fill any vacancies which arise during the year.
The Board may recruit up to two further members if necessary in order to ensure representation of all parts of the area or any special expertise.
The Board may establish sub-committees.
The Board shall meet at such intervals that they deem appropriate. It shall have a quorum of four members and shall take all decisions based on simple majority. The Chairman or his/her deputy shall preside at all meetings and shall have an additional casting vote in the case of a tie.
Only Board members or persons authorized by the Board shall have the authority to speak on behalf of the Association.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held once a year. The business to be transacted shall include (a) the Chairman’s annual report, (b) questions, (c) nomination of Board members, (d) any other business.
Not less than twenty-eight days notice of the AGM shall be given to members of the Association.
All decisions of the AGM shall be submitted to the general membership for review.
A Special General Meeting (SGM) of the Association may be convened at any time for any special purpose upon receipt of a written request to the Chairman from any fifteen members of the Association, stating the purpose of the request.
The Board shall convene such a meeting within twenty-eight days of the receipt of the request and shall give no less than ten days notice of the meeting and the business to be conducted to all members.
No business other than that for which notice has been given shall be conducted at such a meeting.
All decisions at the SGM shall be submitted to the general membership for approval. The Chairman or his/her deputy shall preside at all meetings ans shall have an additional casting vote in the case of a tie.
7. Quorum
The quorum for all General Meetings shall be twenty members.
8. Alterations to the Charter
No alteration of addition to this charter shall be made except by approval of the Board.
9. Dissolution
The Association may be dissolved by a two-thirds majority of all those members attending and voting at the SGM called for the purpose.
Any assets remaining after clearing any debts shall be donated to charity or charities.
Promoting Neighbourliness and Community Spirit...Together We Can Make a Difference
Our Charter
The Association shall be called the Northcliffe Village Residents Association (NVRA)
Membership of the Association shall be available to anyone eighteen years and over who is a resident of our area.
The Association is non-political
Residents wishing to be a member of the Association shall register their name, address and contact details with the board who will maintain the list of members.
· To act as a focal point for residents to raise issues and concerns relating to the NVRA.
· To provide a clear channel of communication regarding these matters to and from relevant bodies.
· To ensure the broader community is a good place to live – promoting neighbourliness and community spirit and to become firmly established within the broader village community.
The Association shall engage in matters where an issue is determined to have a clear impact on the whole community or significant proportion thereof. The Association shall not normally become involved in planning applications or other disputed issues of an individual nature unless it is determined that such an issue shall may have a wider impact on the community.
The affairs of the Association shall be managed by the Board.
Board Members will be appointed annually by the members attending the Annual General Meeting. Members of the outgoing Board are eligible for re-election. The positions of Chair and Treasurer will be designated by the Board.
The Board shall have the power to recruit individuals to fill any vacancies which arise during the year.
The Board may recruit up to two further members if necessary in order to ensure representation of all parts of the area or any special expertise.
The Board may establish sub-committees.
The Board shall meet at such intervals that they deem appropriate. It shall have a quorum of four members and shall take all decisions based on simple majority. The Chairman or his/her deputy shall preside at all meetings and shall have an additional casting vote in the case of a tie.
Only Board members or persons authorized by the Board shall have the authority to speak on behalf of the Association.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held once a year. The business to be transacted shall include (a) the Chairman’s annual report, (b) questions, (c) nomination of Board members, (d) any other business.
Not less than twenty-eight days notice of the AGM shall be given to members of the Association.
All decisions of the AGM shall be submitted to the general membership for review.
A Special General Meeting (SGM) of the Association may be convened at any time for any special purpose upon receipt of a written request to the Chairman from any fifteen members of the Association, stating the purpose of the request.
The Board shall convene such a meeting within twenty-eight days of the receipt of the request and shall give no less than ten days notice of the meeting and the business to be conducted to all members.
No business other than that for which notice has been given shall be conducted at such a meeting.
All decisions at the SGM shall be submitted to the general membership for approval. The Chairman or his/her deputy shall preside at all meetings ans shall have an additional casting vote in the case of a tie.
7. Quorum
The quorum for all General Meetings shall be twenty members.
8. Alterations to the Charter
No alteration of addition to this charter shall be made except by approval of the Board.
9. Dissolution
The Association may be dissolved by a two-thirds majority of all those members attending and voting at the SGM called for the purpose.
Any assets remaining after clearing any debts shall be donated to charity or charities.